Monday, November 29, 2010

Les Berman Weekly 11-29

Happy Cyber Monday,

I'm glad you all survived the weekend: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday. And then the 'bills arrive Tuesday'. All good. Retailers are saying that  the overall numbers are up this year. That is one sign that the economy is starting its slow recovery. GM sold a ton more stock last week as the investment bankers exercised their options to buy more. Friends in the auto business are telling me that GM is actually making a good car. Well, I guess that  congratulations are due. After all, it only took them 35 - 40 years to figure out that most consumers don't want a rusting clunkbucket to drive.

And are you wondering what you should be doing with your debt. specifically, your mortgage. Watch this brief video.
And what about the leaks of classified documents? Personally, I believe that the people who leaked the documents should be tried for treason and shot. Whether or not you agree with me, think about this. Agency reports and opinions about other countries, their leadership (or dictatorships) are the things that keep some balance in the world. Yes, there are those who think that the intelligence (or lack of) on Iraq was a huge failure, both in the loss of and damage to American lives, but also to Iraqi lives. However, on the whole, I'd like to believe that the American intelligence network is doing what it is supposed to be doing.

Communications between countries on a classified and secret basis is absolutely necessary in the world of politics and economics. The leaking of these documents, as well as the previous leaks, undoubtedly have and will cost lives, not only of Americans and our allies, but also of our sources in other countries. There are those that think that all communications should be open. To those who espouse that concept, I think that you need to have your own country on an island without internet. One interesting sidelight to this mess, is that the announced Israeli fears about the nut case in Iran with his nuclear weapons, was, according to the leaked papers, echoed by many of the Arab countries. How does that happen? I am looking forward to reading about their public relations machine spin on this one - wow- middle eastern countries actually agreeing on the same thing.

One more thing. It is Monday and there is some good news. Sort of. After today, there are only four, yes, four, more Mondays this year.

Yes, it is the holiday season. Give yourself a gift. With rates at these incredible lows, you must talk to me today about better debt management and putting money in your pocket. You know what to do - now - call 818.305.4695 or send email

Have a wonderful week!


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